Friends and Family Edit from Derek Dotson
thanks for sending!
Friends and Family Edit from Derek Dotson Read this post
Congrats to everybody who made it into Round 2. The judging was very difficult as the entries get better and better every year. A big thanks and shout out to everybody who participated. So lets get Round 2 started!! We feel that a Pro should be able to represent Kendama on a variety of levels,
2011 Pro Team Contest. Round 2. Read this post
Congratulations to all the Round 1 Winners!!! During the Dama Fest weekend, the Pro Team spent hours going over all the edits, and talking about who will move on. It was really tough this year, with so many exceptional entries. Prize packages are going out to all our winners next week, as well as some
Kendama USA Pro Contest 2011 – Round 1 Winners Announced! Read this post
Really awesome edit of some amazing Kendama work by Zack Yourd. We got to see some of these first hand during Dama Fest, and they are beauties! Keep the creativity flowing!!
Zack Yourd Ceramic Kendama Edit Read this post
In case you missed the LIVE streaming announcement from Jake at the Kengarden, the ladders for Dama Fest are posted here. Beginner Candle stick Around the block Pull up spike Sara grip orbit Big cup to spike Airplane Intermediate Sara grip around the universe Base cup Ken flip back to bottom cup then to spike
Matt, Jake, and Sourmash will be announcing the Dama Fest ladders live on Wednesday night. 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific. You can watch the announcements on the Kengarden Live channel HERE There may be some new Dama Fest information announced, and some guest calls during the show as well, so stay tuned!!! Ladders will be posted
Dama Fest Ladders announced November 16 LIVE!!! Read this post
Jake at the Kengarden just uploaded this awesome edit of Mash getting prepped for the ATL trip. I\’m sure it goes without saying but… don\’t miss DamaFest!!!
SourMash Live Painting at Dama Fest!!! Read this post
Here is a black and white version of our poster that is easy to print out and photocopy. Help us blast these all over GA!!! If you have trouble downloading the image and want to print some out, email us at and we can send you an image file. Thanks for the support, and
GA Kendama Players, Help us spread the word about Dama Fest Read this post
Thanks to Matthew Ballard for sending us this article!
Wenatchee Kendama in the newspapers! Read this post
First edit from Eric Bentz!
Friends and Family video from Eric Bentz! Read this post
Great article about Kendama spreading into UW thanks to the very talented designer Adam Kingman. Adam is they guy who created SPF Lemon, one of the Sticker Contest winners, and looks to have something Orange and awesome on the way soon too! You can check out the article on the University of Washington’s website HERE.
Adam Kingman in the Spotlight at UW Read this post
It’s been great to check out so many great Pro Team Contest entries. It’s especially cool to get to know some of the personalities behind so much talent. There are still a few weeks before the contest deadline. Lots of great prizes and opportunities are up for grabs, and making Kendama edits is always a
Some GREAT Pro Team entries have been rolling in!! Read this post