Congrats to everybody who made it into Round 2. The judging was very difficult as the entries get better and better every year. A big thanks and shout out to everybody who participated.
So lets get Round 2 started!! We feel that a Pro should be able to represent Kendama on a variety of levels, and we want to see how YOU would choose to present Kendama to the world in a single edit.
We’ll be judging on a big mix of things. Overall skill level, technical ability, creativity, flow, steez, production value, spot selection, humor, personality, attitude, and originality. Round 1 entries will also be taken into consideration.
The title of this edit should be: This is Kendama. *YourName* Kendama USA Pro Contest Round 2
Edits should be no longer than 3:00
All edits must be submitted by Monday, December 19th at 11:59pm EST.
Just like in Round 1, email your link to before the deadline.
We can’t wait to see the entries. Have fun making your edits, and prove to us why you\’re going to be the next Kendama USA Pro.
much respect.