Clip of the week

Click Clack Radio – Season 1

Haley Bishoff and Molly Harney have teamed up to create the first ever co-created Kendama podcast series; Click Clack Radio. Click Clack began early February 2017 and features players within the Kendama community on their show as well as frequent giveaways.  In season 1, you’ll hear from Joshua Flow Grove, Matt Rice, and Jake Wiens.

Click Clack Radio – Season 1 Read this post

Emmy Evans is TRIBE

Emily Evans, nearing 14 years old, has been playing for Kendama for just two years and is now finding herself on KendamaUSA’s Tribe Team. She spends most of her time practicing Kendama, reading and playing Ice Hockey for the Anaheim Lady Ducks 14AAA team as the goalie. Emily was asked to be on Tribe after

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Dylan Westmoreland is TRIBE

We are proud to announce our newest member of the TRIBE; Dylan Westmoreland from Murrieta, CA. Dylan started playing Kendama in the summer of 2014. His first Kendama was borrowed from a friend and once hooked he finally snagged one for himself. Tribute member TJ Kolesnik has been able to see him grow as a

Dylan Westmoreland is TRIBE Read this post