
Japan Update #2 from Keith

words by Keith Matsumura   Kendama World Cup has dominated the schedule recently here in Japan. To say that this is the biggest kendama event we have would be an understatement. Tens of thousands of people came through the event during the two days. There was an outside festival area and stage, and an inside

Japan Update #2 from Keith Read this post

Colin Sander Practicing Kendama

As the game has evolved, so have I had to evolve with it. There’s just too much history for me to turn back from kendama now. \’Colin Sander – Practicing Kendama\’ sees me working on some of the harder, ‘new-school’ style tricks. I can honestly say I’ve challenged myself physically and mentally to come through

Colin Sander Practicing Kendama Read this post

Arizona Pool Session.

While the team was in Arizona for the ASTRA Toy Show we had a chance to meet and hang out the Herrera family. Burgers, drinks, a pool, and an epic diving board!  The weather was amazing at night! It was midnight and over 90 degrees outside! Everyone on the team comes from some corner of

Arizona Pool Session. Read this post

Haley and TJ in Michigan!

Recently, TJ Kolesnik and Haley Bishoff spend the weekend in Grand Haven, Michigan at the Great Lakes Kite Festival playing, spreading and teaching kendama. Some local players came out for the weekend to jam, making even more people at the festival get stoked on kendama. TJ and Haley stayed with Phoenix Kite Collective, who is

Haley and TJ in Michigan! Read this post