
Introducing the KAIZEN Kendama

KAIZEN.  The Japanese philosophy of constant improvement. To us, Kaizen is about striving to become better than we were yesterday, even in the smallest details.  It\’s about never giving up, and never settling for mediocrity.  The Kaizen mindset inspires us to continuously refine our craft, and stay focused on creativity and innovation.  Since Kendama USA

Introducing the KAIZEN Kendama Read this post

Kendama USA at Blading Cup.

Come hang out with TJ, Jake, Dave, and Harald along with the worlds best bladers and b boys! The Blading Cup is an entire block of action! Don\’t miss it!! Get all the info right HERE!! If you are anywhere new Santa Ana California then get over to the Blading Cup on Sat November 1st!

Kendama USA at Blading Cup. Read this post


Kendama USA will be attending MKO this year with Keith Matsumura, Alex Smith, and Turner Thorne!   The 2014 MKO will be held in the rotunda of the Mall of America on Saturday, November 1st. Entry to the event is free Costs to compete: Beginner & Intermediate: $8 – Pre-Registration $12 – Day of event

MKO HYPE Video. Read this post

RJ #Freezeoftheday Montage.

When RJ Puno isn\’t dancing for the Jabawokeez he is Lacing dama tricks and defying the laws of gravity! Check out this edit of his mind blowing moves! And to see more of these amazing shots Follow him on Instagram null Huge thanks to Stance, Jabbawockeez. PRiSM, and SuperCr3w!! filmed by Anderson Ko and Daniel Zhu edited

RJ #Freezeoftheday Montage. Read this post

What The Dama Art Show.

\”Shimpei Kimura introduces the new subculture of the Kendama, a children\’s toy introduced to Japan in the early 1800\’s. However, people of today have re-invented the kendama, and made it a popular sport around the world.\” This Gallery will be traveling to Osaka in November so if you are nearby it is definitely worth checking out!

What The Dama Art Show. Read this post