Thank you to everyone who participated in the Freestyle 15 Video Contest!
We had a lot of submissions and it took the judges quite a while to go through them all and pick winners.
Be sure to check out the winning submissions as well as honorable mentions below.
Alex Smith Winner: Walter Cummings
A video posted by Walter A Cummings III (@waltaboi808) on
Turner Thorne Winner: Rolf Vigganer
A video posted by Rolf S. Ganer (@rolfsandvigganer) on
Trevor Starnes Winner: Dylan Westmoreland
A video posted by Dylan Westmoreland (Dwesty) (@kdama_dyl) on
Honorable Mentions:
Tony – @Bonesicle
Daunye Synigal – @daun_yon
David Mock – @mocklemore
Don\’t fret if you didn\’t win take 15% off your next purchase with code KUSAFF15, grab a fresh dama and practice to win our next contest!