New Pro Team Member Announcement – Alex Smith

We are proud to announce Alex Smith as the winner of our annual contest, and the newest addition to the Kendama USA Pro Team.

Alex\’s edits clearly showed a wide variety of talent and professionalism. Amazing tricks, technical ability, creativity, lifestyle, personality, and production value. He has already made a positive mark in the Kendama community, and we couldn\’t be happier to have him as part of the family here. If you haven\’t seen them already, make sure to check out his edits below.

We also want to tip our hats to everybody who entered this year, and especially those who came very close in the 2nd round. The quality of the entries absolutely blew our minds, and we have immense respect toward everybody who participated. It was by far the most difficult contest we\’ve ever had to judge, so hold your heads up and give yourselves the well deserved credit for what you accomplished. We hope you had a fun time making the edits, and can\’t wait for next year.

much respect
-Kendama USA

Round 1

Round 2