Kendama USA Pro Contest 2011 – Round 1 Winners Announced!

Congratulations to all the Round 1 Winners!!! During the Dama Fest weekend, the Pro Team spent hours going over all the edits, and talking about who will move on.  It was really tough this year, with so many exceptional entries.  Prize packages are going out to all our winners next week, as well as some of the other entries that didn\’t make the cut, but still stood out to us.  Huge thanks to everybody who took the time to make an entry.  We hope you had as much fun making them, as we did watching them.

The Round 2 details will be announced very soon! Stay tuned.

Round 1 Winners

Keith Matsumura
Tj Kolesnik
Daniel Robinson
Gus Carstens
Alex Smith
Danny Mason
Gerard Gotgotao
Alex Ramos
Dave Mateo
Thomas Holzer
Jimmy Jacobson
Julian Down
Daniela von Rohr
Damien Klaven