My name is Chris Evans. I live in Lake Tahoe, NV. I am a member of Boy Scout Troop 468. On June 15th to June 19th I went to the Ban Tong Mong School in Phichit, Thailand. For my Eagle Scout Project I built a completely new playground that included two sets of three swings, a tunnel with a slide and I also repaired a spiny globe cage. I painted four buildings along with a few smaller projects to help improve the campus.
This wouldn\’t have been possible without the Tahoe Douglas Rotary Club, South Lake Tahoe Rotary Club, Kendama USA, The Red Hut, Boyd Dangtongdee, The People of Phichit, And Countless others!
I encourage any Boy Scout who found this video to do an international project. It is the best experience I have gotten out of Boy Scouts. I was able to plan mine in 2 and a half months imagine what you could do in a year\’s worth of planning!
\”When I pulled out the kendamas all the kids went nuts!! Their mouths all doped and awed after watching me pull out some quick tricks. I tried to tell them a little about the history of the kendama but before I finished they all grabbed them and started playing! I put on Colin Sanders Edit 8 and one of Haley Bishoff\’s edits for the girls so they could see some pros in action. It was a really cool sight! I handed them all stickers and they made sure they never left them out of their sight during the rest of the day. Even some of the local villagers who helped me out during the week were jamming along with the Thai Royal Army soldiers who also helped out.\” – Chris Evans