
Loopkicks Dama Jam!

  Every summer the Loopkicks crew throws a huge Tricking camp in San Jose bringing some of the most skilled people together from around the world.  Tricking is a blend of martial arts and freestyle acrobatics. Imagine a kendama trick but you ARE the kendama!  Within the past few years the tricking community has fallen […]

Loopkicks Dama Jam! Read this post

Cliff Jumping In Japan.

Believe it or not, this summer was the first time the entire Kendama USA team was together as one, in the same place. It’s alot to get nine people’s schedules to line up but the magic happened for the sake of our summer Japan trip for the Kendama World Cup. After days and days of

Cliff Jumping In Japan. Read this post

Zack And TJ Throwback!

What are you\’re plans for the summer? Today we are bringing it back to last summer when TJ and Zack explored Pittsburgh, showed off their patriotism and jammed some dama! This is the perfect summer edit so sit back and enjoy an edit with unmatched vibes, and that essential feeling of SUMMER, then get out there

Zack And TJ Throwback! Read this post

Catching up with TJ Kolesnik

Yo everyone! If you’re reading this right now, that means you’re somewhat interested in what I’ve been doing these past couple of months. Man has it been crazy theses past few months! Lots of traveling, keeping up with school, and playing volleyball for my school, with everything else in between. I’m here to explain a

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