Tea Garden Session.
Turner Thorne, Tj Kolesnik, and Jake Wiens chill out with some tea and fresh Ozoras in the San Francisco Japanese Tea Garden. Get your Ozoras right here at KendamaUSA.com
Tea Garden Session. Read this post
Turner Thorne, Tj Kolesnik, and Jake Wiens chill out with some tea and fresh Ozoras in the San Francisco Japanese Tea Garden. Get your Ozoras right here at KendamaUSA.com
Tea Garden Session. Read this post
As the game has evolved, so have I had to evolve with it. There’s just too much history for me to turn back from kendama now. \’Colin Sander – Practicing Kendama\’ sees me working on some of the harder, ‘new-school’ style tricks. I can honestly say I’ve challenged myself physically and mentally to come through
Colin Sander Practicing Kendama Read this post
What are you\’re plans for the summer? Today we are bringing it back to last summer when TJ and Zack explored Pittsburgh, showed off their patriotism and jammed some dama! This is the perfect summer edit so sit back and enjoy an edit with unmatched vibes, and that essential feeling of SUMMER, then get out there
Zack And TJ Throwback! Read this post
If you\’ve ever ordered from Kendama USA, there is a good chance one of these guys have been involved in fulfilling your order. Charles Rager and Trevor Starnes have been working hard at Kendama USA for years now. Today we had a quick session at Whittier Mills Park after work. The heat and humidity are
Trevor and Charles After Work Whittier Session Read this post
Every Tuesday Jake Wiens teams up with San Franpsycho for a kendama and yoyo session! This week Jake busted out the camera and got some clips of everyone that showed up. If you want to join in on the fun, it\’s every Tuesday at 505 divisadero San Francisco California from 5-8.
Tuesday Kengarden Session 62414! Read this post
Today we are featuring an edit from Grant “Podge” Shepherd all the way from Scotland! This is a beautifully crafted edit and we highly recommend giving it a watch!
Amazing Edit From Scotland! Read this post
Nick and Zack Gallagher just placed second in the cooks custom contest with an amazing doubles edit! They then decided to do an unboxing video of the prizes, their reaction is amazing! Here is their contest video as well.
Epic Unboxing Video. Read this post
While the team was in Arizona for the ASTRA Toy Show we had a chance to meet and hang out the Herrera family. Burgers, drinks, a pool, and an epic diving board! The weather was amazing at night! It was midnight and over 90 degrees outside! Everyone on the team comes from some corner of
Arizona Pool Session. Read this post
The Super Stick tribute is one of our Favorite damas here at Kendama USA and all colors are now back in stock! get one before they disappear. null null null null null null
Super Sticky Tribute Back In Stock. Read this post
けん玉USA、日本で2014のけん玉ワールドカップを誇りサポーターです! けん玉アメリカチームに挨拶し、世界中のプレーヤーと出会おう!
けん玉ワールドカップ廿日市2014 けん玉USA、参戦メンバー紹介 Read this post
Keith Matsumura is currently preparing for a long journey to Japan and Europe this summer and you can bet he will be doing a lot of filming during his travels. Here is a picture of what Keith keeps in his camera bag during a filming session.
Keith Matsumura Bag Explosion. Read this post
Kendama USA Tributes and null have now been approved for competition by the British Kendama Association! Head over to The BKA to find out more about approved kendamas, upcoming events, and competitions right here http://www.kendama.co.uk/ And pick up your own tribute or classic by clicking on the pictures! null
Tributes and Classics approved by the BKA! Read this post
If you didnt know Zack Yourd is and avid brewer of Tea and Coffee when he\’s not playing kendama and today he gives you a sneak peak of his extensive tea collection. can you spot the dama?
Zack Yourd's Tea Museum. Read this post
Looking for that perfect playlist to listen to while you dama? Well Haley Bishoff brings you Dama Jams Vol. 2!
Haley Bishoff's Dama Playslist #2! Read this post