Turner Thorne

Zack And TJ Throwback!

What are you\’re plans for the summer? Today we are bringing it back to last summer when TJ and Zack explored Pittsburgh, showed off their patriotism and jammed some dama! This is the perfect summer edit so sit back and enjoy an edit with unmatched vibes, and that essential feeling of SUMMER, then get out there […]

Zack And TJ Throwback! Read this post

Epic Unboxing Video.

Nick and Zack Gallagher just placed second in the cooks custom contest with an amazing doubles edit! They then decided to do an unboxing video of the prizes, their reaction is amazing! Here is their contest video as well.

Epic Unboxing Video. Read this post

Arizona Pool Session.

While the team was in Arizona for the ASTRA Toy Show we had a chance to meet and hang out the Herrera family. Burgers, drinks, a pool, and an epic diving board!  The weather was amazing at night! It was midnight and over 90 degrees outside! Everyone on the team comes from some corner of

Arizona Pool Session. Read this post