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2014 Cooks Custom Contest Results.

Upon many hours of debate the winner of the 2014 Cook’s Customs Contest is Joey Swisher. Joey’s edit brought an amazing mix of creativity, trick technicality, video professionalism and style. We are all very excited to work with Joey and design a one of a kind “2014 Cook’s Customs Contest Champion Kendama – Joey Swisher”

2014 Cooks Custom Contest Results. Read this post

Kendama X Photography

We can all agree that if you are reading this you love kendama, but like most of us we all have different hobbies as well. We would like to start featuring people that like to incorporate kendama into the hobbies that they enjoy. Today we are recognizing Clarenz Posadas for his amazing photography work, take

Kendama X Photography Read this post

COTK kendama battle!

It’s really exciting to see how much the Kendama is spreading in Oregon. This past weekend, COTK members Wyatt Bray, Chris June, Gregorio Ramirez and many more hosted a dama battle in Eugene, OR. So many killer players made the trip out from all over Oregon to compete in the ladders and jam for the

COTK kendama battle! Read this post

Haley and TJ in Michigan!

Recently, TJ Kolesnik and Haley Bishoff spend the weekend in Grand Haven, Michigan at the Great Lakes Kite Festival playing, spreading and teaching kendama. Some local players came out for the weekend to jam, making even more people at the festival get stoked on kendama. TJ and Haley stayed with Phoenix Kite Collective, who is

Haley and TJ in Michigan! Read this post