We cannot even find the words to describe this movie. Absolutely unparalleled quality. A unique glimpse into the Kendama community around the world. Matt Ballard and WKT have outdone themselves, and helped to tell an amazing story that needed to be told. No need to read anymore … Just watch and enjoy.
Published on Dec 16, 2012
Kendama is more than just a toy. It is the focal point of a community of people brought together by a common passion. From their hometown of Wenatchee, WA to the impoverished streets of Burundi, Africa, Where We Are follows Wenatchee Kendama Team as they take part in different communities around the globe.
Visit us at- Facebook.com/WenatcheeKendamaTeam
Buy your kendamas at- KendamaUSA.com
Starring WKT- Alex Loomer, Alex Winters, Chris Ringering, Chris Rodrigues, Conner Walsh, Greg Ringering, Jacob Resler, Keith Matsumura, Matthew Ballard, Nick Mayo, Scott Paine, Will Burwell, Zack Winters
Friends- Turner Thorne, Alex Smith, Jake Wiens, Dave Mateo, TJ Kolesnik, Hunter Bailey, Dana Fenster, Kristian Aynedter, Adam Kingman, Thomas Holzer, Daniela Von Rohr, Daniel Perez, Marta Queralt, Dan Robinson
Sponsors- KendamaUSA
Directed, Filmed, and Edited by- Matthew Ballard
Shot On Location- Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, Switzerland, Spain, Burundi