Zack Yourd’s Single Trick Series Volume 1. A 5-part video series consisting of kendama shorts that showcase a variety of Yourd’s style kendama play in various locations. Some words from Yourd:
“More days than not the skies of Pittsburgh are cluttered with clouds. This gray overcast is known as the ‘Pittsburgh Pantone’ and this single trick edit is my temporary farewell to them. Thank you Commonwealth Press for the shirt, and Luke Evans for being the man behind the lens. Later Pittsburgh <3″
Zack Yourd’s Single Trick Series Volume 1. A 5-part video series consisting of kendama shorts that showcase a variety of Yourd’s style kendama play in various locations. Some words from Yourd:
“I have a very busy upcoming schedule. I leave for New Zealand soon where I will be finishing the remainder of my college-undergrad career and will be teaching math in an intermediate school in North Island. That being said I have to push back the production of Edit #7 and in the meantime (rather than leaving you empty handed) I will be putting out several single trick installments in the first volume of this series. I hope you enjoy!”