Kendama USA

Posts Tagged ‘nobuyoshi norioka’

Nobu Nori’s Pro Model Kendama Restocked!

Nobu Nori Pro Model v1 v2 Comparison

Just looking at this kendama will get you excited to play it. The “just-right” bright yellow against those soft and bubbly blue waves will make this the only Kendama you’ll want to play. The entire kendama is now completely made of maple and is adorned with a 360 wave engraving for a classic look and some added grip on the ken. We’ve kept the top dot at the apex of the tama, the stark contrast between the tama hole and the white top dot makes it easier to keep track of tama position and decide your next move.

Nobu Nori Pro Model Kendama Big Cup

Nobu Nori’s pro model Kendama has been updated and restocked! Inspiration for the model comes from one of Nobu’s favorite beverages and its crisp high energy vibes. The #NOBUMOD Kendama still has all the original features like the shift shape, refined silk paint plus a few updates we know you’ll love.

The Nobu Pro Model Kendama is a high-vis playable art piece with a clean design that is easy on the eyes, easy to play, and easy to track.

Grab one today, limited quantities available.

Nobu’s love for the sport and drive to excel himself and others in Kendama is inspiring. See more of Nobu’s mind-blowing trick combinations and and more null

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Nobu Takes 1st @ BuzzYank! – Kendama Tournament – Japan

BuzzYank! is a JP Kendama player summit that went down on February 11th in Osaka and the turn out was fantastic!
There were competitions held for beginner, intermediate, and advanced players as well as freestyle & speed ladder comps.


Advanced: Intermediate: Beginner:
Free Style Battle:
1st: Nobuyoshi Norioka 1st: Ruri Kato 1st: Yu Kuroda
1st: Fukushima Eutaro
2nd: Fukushima Eutaro 2nd: Itto Kenboy 2nd: Tomoyoshi Tomoyo 2nd: Nagata Kazuki
3rd: Ya Yuki 3rd: Yasutomo Murakami 3rd: Takamatsu Misaki 3rd: Kato Takeshi

Recap Video from 103Dama:

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